
Healthy Living Day

This week our catering company Caterlink ran a Healthy Living Day in school. It started with an assembly where our children were invited to see how they could make sure they ate plenty of fruit and vegetables every day. Then some juniors got to make bread whilst the infants made fruits pizza. Their mascot JoJo Crow also visited the children in the dining halls

Some of the children wrote about their experiences -have a read below!

This week we are learning about being healthy. Caterlink came to school and told us how to eat properly like vegetables and fruit. Meanwhile the cook took some children to cook some healthy food. She told us we are going to bake our own bread so she got us yeast, flour, water, sugar and salt. We made our own shapes of bread dough then the cook put it in the oven for 20 minutes. She gave us our bread to take home, it was very tasty.

Crystal 4P

There are 5 ingredients in bread: flour, water, salt, yeast, sugar. We made bread in all different shapes and sizes such as tigers and dolphins. When we had finished we had to put it in the oven and then we ate it. Yum.

Did you know that a brussel sprout has 5 times more vitamins than an orange?

Jaelan 4P